Darien Lake Amphitheater Schedule

Darien Center, NY

Catch the Biggest Events, Live in 2024!

From classic rock to killer country, from red-hot pop to the unmissable music festivals, there's tons of great shows coming to the Darien Lakes Perform Arts Center in 2024 — and BigStub wants to help you score great tickets for any event on the schedule!  Not only do we have amazing listings for every upcoming show, but we'll update our calendar below every time a new show is announced.  That makes us a great resource for anyone looking to catch the funnest concerts and more, live in Genesee County!
So whether you love KISS or Florida Georgia Line, Wiz Khalifa or Slipknot — or all of the above! — don't miss your chance to catch your favorite acts, live at Six Flags Darien Lake in 2024.  CHeck out the Darien Lakes Performing Arts Center Schedule below to learn more, check back regularly for additional updates, and score your tickets right away.  Because if you don't, someone else will!
Great events are scheduled at the Darien Lakes Performing Arts Center in 2024, and BigStub wants to help you catch them all, live and in person!  Not only do we have great tickets for all these events, but we've got them at every price point, too.  And that's just the tip of the iceberg, as we have more than 10 million listings for over 100,000 unique live entertainment events scheduled at venues across North America!  Explore our website to learn more, but remember: if you want to catch the funnest stuff on the Darien Lakes Performing Arts Center Schedule, then you'd better grab your tickets right away!