Chicago, IL Concert Tickets

Catch Great Concerts, Live in Chicago!

As America's "Second City" and the largest population center in the Midwest, Chicago, IL boasts a large and varied cultural scene — and its residents' wide-ranging musical tastes are reflected in one of the most varied concert schedules in America.  Some of the biggest names in pop, rock, hip hop, classical, jazz, and more genres than we can list here are visiting the Chicago area in 2024, and BigStub wants to help you catch the fun, live and in person!
Not only do we have great tickets for every show on the current schedule, but because we'll automatically update this website to reflect all the Chicago concerts that keep getting added, we'll continue to be a great resource moving forward.  Bookmark it and check it regularly for the latest updates — and to stay a big step ahead of your Windy City competition.
Whether you are into indie, R&B, pop, classic rock, country, or more, we can help you catch it live in 2024.  Check out the Chicago Concerts schedule below to learn more about the can't-miss shows and music festivals coming your way, and check back regularly for the latest additions to the schedule.  Just be sure to get your Chicago concert tickets ASAP — before someone else beats you to them!
Whether you're looking to catch the year's hottest Chicago Concerts or you're looking for something else altogether, BigStub has all your live entertainment needs covered!  We've got more than 10 million tickets for over 100,000 unique live entertainment events in our massive online database, and we're always updating with more listings.  Explore our website to learn more about the great stuff coming your way in 2024, but remember: if you want to score the best Chicago Concert Tickets around, then you'd better get 'em ASAP!